We need the arts back before we completely forget how to live together. And, right now, the future is near impossible to read – sad but true. https://www.chicagotribune.com/entertainment/theater/chris-jones/ct-ent-chicago-theater-season-no-dates-0828-20200826-3x32to7zrze2xlqbdqisef7s6q-story.html
The news is heartbreaking, but we can take action by being part of “Be An #ArtsHero‘s Day Of Action” #ArtsHero https://www.brookings.edu/research/lost-art-measuring-covid-19s-devastating-impact-on-americas-creative-economy/ https://www.brookings.edu/research/lost-art-measuring-covid-19s-devastating-impact-on-americas-creative-economy/
I find this a bit concerning. The not-for-profit art world is not making its case. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/federal-aid-theaters-concert-venues-performance-review-survey-1234736825
A crisis is an opportunity for museums, let’s use it wisely.
On August 27, 2020, Carl Sylvestre moderated a discussion on how organizations should go about engaging donors during the Covid-19 pandemic with Arts Reach. Click below to view the discussion.
I never thought much about the value of getting my playbills at the theatre. I do miss getting them. I hope that this business is not history when we return. https://www.fastcompany.com/90526197/with-broadway-shuttered-for-2020-can-playbill-survive-the-pandemic
It is time to give artists the freedom to think outside of the box.