Great planning has its benefits. It is that road map to pull out when the road is dark and we have lost our way. If done right it is a safety net. It allows us to communicate as a team. A mutual understanding has been reached. Yet, I have come…
Category: Articles
Mapping Out Stakeholders Contact by Carl Sylvestre
“I watch television programs when I want, why can’t I be able to engage with a charity when I want to?” This was a question posed to me recently by a benefactor of numerous charities and since then I have been thinking about this challenge because 1) I don’t disagree…
In Praise of Predictability by Carl Sylvestre
A customer’s frame of mind In the past few months, New Yorkers have been getting used to a great new service, courtesy of the New York City Transit Authority (every once in a while they surprise us). Most stations now have signs telling us the estimated arrival of the next…
ProSpeak: Branding as a Living Organism by Carl Sylvestre
(The following article was published in the November 23, 2010 edition of Fundraising Success magazine.) It happens ever so often. At a staff meeting a crisis of faith takes hold, and someone asks, “What makes us different from everyone else?” The response can range from the collective silence of a…
Facing Uncertainty: A Survival Guide by Carl Sylvestre
As the summer ends the headlines are still puzzling. Some say that the economy is steadily improving, then the next set of data tells us “not so fast,” in fact forget recovery the economic outlook is far from certain. We’ve always lived in uncertain times, but these headlines are paralyzing…
In Defense of Good Planning by Carl Sylvestre
When does good planning come to fruition? Sadly it is at a time when you least expect it. Then the worst-case scenario must be put into action. In good or even ordinary times worst-case scenarios are often seen remote and the idea of sound planning is viewed as a luxury….
Death and Taxes: Fundraisers Brothers in Arms by Carl Sylvestre
We’ve heard it many times. There are two things in life we can’t avoid – death and taxes. Fundraisers are quick to point out that contributions to a not-for-profit organization are tax deductible—it’s in the direct mail, the gala invitation and it is often part of the final pitch to…
Just Tell Them What You Do: The art of building stewardship by Carl Sylvestre
As a Haitian-American, I felt a great deal of gratitude at the immediate and generous support that the world showed following the devastation of January 12th Port-au-Prince earthquake. Now four months on, the event is slowly moving away from the news headlines with the full knowledge that the road to…